
A forever decoration

by Soh Li Nah

Do you ever notice that in our impression, when we talk about “tattoo”, there will always appear a masculine man with tattoo?

Wong Wai Kit, 29, a tattoo artist from Zoo Body Art in Sungai Wang, said that most of the people thought the numbers of male that goes for for tattoo is higher than female.

“This is wrong, female nowadays are become braver, In our shop, 7 out of 10 customers are female,” he claimed that it doesn’t mean male become more timid, it’s just because female are more keen to follow pace fashion, for females, tattoo is a body decoration. 

It cannot be denied that is one kind of people who just want to follow the trend and looking for tattoo and never take it seriously. For this, Wong said that tattoo artist should be conscientiously to tell them and also understand the reason they go for tattoo.

“You have to carry your tattoo forever unless you go for laser removal, but it is 10 times more painful and expensive than doing a new tattoo.” He said.

Most of the people refuse to do laser removal. They prefer to just cover up the tattoo with a new tattoo. However, keep tattoo at the same part of skin also brings a lot of side effect.

“So, it’s better to think carefully when you decide to tattoo,” Wong claimed again. 

A laser treatment after 10 times, but still cannot remove completely the tattoo.

See also:
A body art work that has been misunderstood
Tattoo can be related to infectious disease?
Tattoo Photo Gallery

Voice of the tattooed people
Get know more about tattoo

1 comment:

  1. Suggest that the photo of the laser treatment can get the original file from tattoo artist. This is to make sure that it can be clearly seen by readers :)

